Friday, August 27, 2010

How It All Started


  How it all started? Let's see, I was born. Okay just kidding, I obviously can't remember that so I will skip to the important part. I am a game designer at heart. Even though I am no where near actually making that a realty but I have been working on a few things. First off I have been working on my own comic book, which is now online Secondly I have been working on my own game in Flash but that went dost. I will go into detail about both projects but now I am just going to what has been going on in my life now.

A Complete Set Back

The second plan with my game didn't go too well but my comics are looking pretty good. I was able to correct the original copies of the First Episode and I was even able to set up a website which I am quit proud of. I was now on cloud nine, finally after all my hard work, ( two yeARS MIght I add) my work would shine. I put up the First Episode for viewing online and since everything was going well I announced that the Second Episode was coming up in a month. Then I complete disaster! My Grandfather who I grew up with dies, ( by the way my Grandfather lives overseas in Jamaica) so not only was I affected by the sadness of losing my Grandfather but I had to go to Jamaica to my Grandfathers house having to leave my work down in America. To top it all off I am scared of flying plains.

The Trip I Never Thought I Would Have To Take

Well now it is time to leave. When I got to the plain I was on the verge going crazy. I hate plains can't stand them but I had to go. The plain takes off of course nothing happens. My fathers friend comes in and picks us up from the airport. On my way to the house in Jamaica I remember all the sites from when I was a child.

 I got to the house and it was good to see most of my family members.

It's getting a bit late so I am going to rape this up for tomorrow.        

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