Monday, February 21, 2011

 EHCOMICS Web comics available for everyone to see. Here is a quick introduction to my first comic on my website.

Introduction: Let's see... The main character Lord Pyro is trying to escape the past. He leaves his village behind and becomes a wanderer, the only problem is our Hero is a little low on cash. Now our has reached THE CITY OF HEROES, lets see how he will get a place to crash.


I hope you enjoy the story line so fare and continue to support Please let me know what you think and how I can improve on my story. This story is always available on my website and click Story Line.

I want to make this blog as exciting as this story line but I don't really know much about the comic book industry but I do like Teen Titans and I love to watch the Anime Network and I also love to             create this crazy cool artwork which like takes up all of my time during the day. So I have decided to go down to the Pharmacy down the road and pick up a comic book every now and then and start to discus what I read on my blog its either that or get some expert to write my blog for me. ("Which I certainly do not have the money for.")  I think I will do the comic book thing tomorrow so definitely look out for that. For now I will discus how I created

I start of by drawing everything by hand in my sketch book ("Well its not really a sketch book it's more like a note book where I keep all my other crape.") Then after I finish that I opened up my Illustrator one of the coolest programs Adobe has every made second to Flash. Anyways check out what I am talking about in these Illustrations

So now you get the Idea. Will talk more on it tomorrow but I am trying to get some friends here online so I decided to check out a few comic book blogs and I came across very cool might I add anyway see yeah for now.

Find out how to fight acne and win!

Lose The Weight And Enjoy Summer!
  Lets shed those pounds by reading this book.


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