Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Trip I Never Thought I Would Have To Take 2

 Continuing where I left off, I got to the house and all my uncles and aunts were there, my cousins I have a big family. My cousin Renee was their my favorite cousin. There was a guest house which my uncle and his girlfriend occupied. Me and my cousin hung out there. We had a lot of time to bond, it was me my uncle, his girlfriend, his four kids and my cousin sitting there watching movies it was so cool. I haven't seen them in such a long time.

 Now lets continue. After a few family meetings it was time for me to see my Grandfather it was sad very sad everyone around me was crying. During this time my dad comes to the funeral home and his car gets a flat. Now not only am I morning for my Grandfather but I had to go help my father with his flat.

The Day Of The Funeral

Another draining day the final chapter. I wake up, jump in the shower in my uncles guest house get dressed . Me and my mother head out to the bus. It was very hot that day, too hot I started sweating. Thank God there was ac in the bus. We leave to the chapel, as I got there I saw my cousin crying uncontrollably, I tried hard to comfort her, me and decided to get her a bottle of water. We walked to a
gas station and got water as I got back I saw my father and my uncle I greeted them. Then the sermon began, the casket  was closed concluding the final chance to see my Grandfather. The pastor spoke and everyone said their piece.

I will continue tomorrow

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