Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another Day

So I was talking about how I created my comics oh wait "THE NEIGHBORS IN THE NEXT APARTMENT ARE HAVING SOOOOO MUCH FUN THAT I CANNOT CONCENTRATE." Never the less they did bring me and my girlfriend cookies so I guess their not all bad.

Great now I have some peace and quiet to wright this blog. Based on the last blog I was telling you how I completed these comics in my spear time and I didn't really finish, so I sketched the sense out first then after that I turned on the computer and opened up one of my programs called Illustrator and drew my sketches in Illustrator (Awsome product, you can pick it up at http://www.adobe.com/ and go to their product page and if your going to get Illustrator you will also need Photoshop which can also be found on product page") then I colored the Images put text to the Sean and there you have it.

   In the first Episode Lord Pyro gets recruited by the Castle Knights and now works directly with the queen. He finds himself falling for the queen and becoming closer with his new friends and now feels compelled to them about his past. Check out this Episode buy it at shop.ehcomics.com. Find out what happened then, the secret that caused Lord Pyro to not only leave his village but also his wife.

 Here are two scenes from Episode #1
Alright Tomorrow.

Find out how to fight acne and win!

Lose The Weight And Enjoy Summer!
  Lets shed those pounds by reading this book.

Monday, February 21, 2011

 EHCOMICS Web comics available for everyone to see. Here is a quick introduction to my first comic on my website.

Introduction: Let's see... The main character Lord Pyro is trying to escape the past. He leaves his village behind and becomes a wanderer, the only problem is our Hero is a little low on cash. Now our has reached THE CITY OF HEROES, lets see how he will get a place to crash.


I hope you enjoy the story line so fare and continue to support EHCOMICS.com. Please let me know what you think and how I can improve on my story. This story is always available on my website EHCOMICS.com and click Story Line.

I want to make this blog as exciting as this story line but I don't really know much about the comic book industry but I do like Teen Titans and I love to watch the Anime Network and I also love to             create this crazy cool artwork which like takes up all of my time during the day. So I have decided to go down to the Pharmacy down the road and pick up a comic book every now and then and start to discus what I read on my blog its either that or get some expert to write my blog for me. ("Which I certainly do not have the money for.")  I think I will do the comic book thing tomorrow so definitely look out for that. For now I will discus how I created EHCOMICS.com

I start of by drawing everything by hand in my sketch book ("Well its not really a sketch book it's more like a note book where I keep all my other crape.") Then after I finish that I opened up my Illustrator one of the coolest programs Adobe has every made second to Flash. Anyways check out what I am talking about in these Illustrations

So now you get the Idea. Will talk more on it tomorrow but I am trying to get some friends here online so I decided to check out a few comic book blogs and I came across acomicbookblog.com very cool might I add anyway see yeah for now.

Find out how to fight acne and win!

Lose The Weight And Enjoy Summer!
  Lets shed those pounds by reading this book.